Shatterstar Expects To Return For the X-Force Movie

Shatterstar Expects To Return For the X-Force Movie

Spoilers ahead for Deadpool 2.

While superhero movies are everywhere, there are certain franchises that stand out among the competition. Chief among them is Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool movies, which shattered expectations by releasing an R-Rated, fourth wall breaking, comedic romp. Deadpool 2 arrived in theaters a few months ago, once again surprising the fandom with every turn. One of the most shocking moments is when the X-Force members all die gruesomely during their first mission, despite trailers showing the team in action. Actor Lewis Tan played Shatterstar in his brief cameo, and recently revealed that he's hoping to return for the X-Force movie. Why? Because of that time traveling post-credits scene.

You're going to see more of my character in the X-Force film ... that's what it's looking like. Thankfully, Deadpool went back and had a little time machine that he stole, so in the post-credits scene he brought back Peter, and it's assumed that we're all going to come back as well. Hopefully he brings back Shatterstar and everybody, because the fans really enjoyed that scene, and I get a lot of attention online about how they thought it was one of the best scenes in the film.

While we only saw Wade Wilson saving the likes of Peter and Vanessa in Deadpool 2's post-credits scene, it's not beyond the real of possibility for the Merc with The Mouth to have actually helped his entire team. After all, it was Deadpool's poor planning that resulted in Shatterstar, Terry Crews' Bedlam, and Bill Skarsgard's Zeitgeist all dying in hilariously gross ways.

Lewis Tan's comments come from his conversation with Syfy at the Saturn Awards, and show how the actor is eager to return to 20th Century Fox's X-Men franchise. While he wasn't in much of Deadpool 2, Tan is the first actor to play Shatterstar in live-action. As such, he's hoping to return for the X-Force movie, especially since he was in the titular team's original lineup.

Although Lewis Tan seems available to play Shatterstar in X-Force, Terry Crews and Bill Skarsgard might not be so eager. They're both very busy guys, and filming a superhero movie is typically a major time commitment. But considering the massive popularity of Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds may be able to get the full cast back-- if that's what X-Force even calls for.

Shatterstar isn't the only superhero name that has been surrounding Lewis Tan lately. The actor has been going in for meetings at DC, with fans left wondering what project he could join. Many believe he'd be the perfect actor for Chris McKay's Nightwing movie, given his background in martial arts. If Tan managed to book both X-Force and Nightwing, he could become a bonafide movie star in no time.

Fans are waiting to hear when Deadpool 2 will be available for home purchase, but keep here with CinemaBlend for all the updates. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

Shatterstar Expects To Return For the X-Force Movie

However, Deadpool 2's use of time-travel may have left a door open for those dead members of the X-Force to return in the future. Tan recently told SyFy that he expects Shatterstar and the other members of the X-Force to return in Drew Goddard's X-Force .
Lewis Tan Expects Shatterstar To Return In 'X-Force
Despite the fact that the majority of X-Force was killed during their first mission in 'Deadpool 2', the actor that portrayed the sword-slinging Shatterstar, says that he expects to return for 'X-Force', 20th Century Fox's follow-up to the latest Ryan Reynolds vehicle.
Shatterstar Seemingly Confirmed for 'X-Force' Movie

Lewis Tan, who played the role of Shatterstar in Deadpool 2, fully expects to return for the upcoming X-Force movie. The actor hopes to have a more prominent role in the follow-up film, given how little screen time he and the rest of the team had in the original movie.
Shatterstar Expects To Return For the X-Force Movie - 247

Deadpool 2's Lewis Tan expects to return for X-Force, has had talks with DC about Nightwing see the entire team back for the X-Force movie alongside hoping to see Shatterstar and company

As such, he's hoping to return for the X-Force movie, especially since he was in the titular team's original lineup. Although Lewis Tan seems available to play Shatterstar in X-Force , Terry Crews and Bill Skarsgard might not be so eager.
Shatterstar Expects To Return For the X-Force Movie

While Lewis Tan only played Shatterstar in Deadpool 2 for a few minutes, he's ready to return for X-Force. But how? Subscribe To Shatterstar Expects To Return For the X-Force Movie Updates
Shatterstar Expected To Return For X-Force Movie | ScreenRant

Despite the fact that the majority of X-Force was killed during their first mission in 'Deadpool 2', the actor that portrayed the sword-slinging Shatterstar, says that he expects to return for
Lewis Tan Expects Shatterstar to Return in X-FORCE

Deadpool 2 star Lewis Tan says that there's going to be a lot more Shatterstar in the X-Force movie. whether or not the actors who portrayed the X-Force will return for the upcoming movie.
Lewis Tan Expects Shatterstar To Return In 'X-Force'

Shatterstar Expects To Return For the X-Force Movie . 1 minute ago. Spoilers ahead for Deadpool 2. While superhero movies are everywhere, there are certain franchises that stand out among the competition.
Shatterstar Will Return in the X-Force Movie

Lewis Tan expects Shatterstar to return for future X-Force outings, according to a new interview.The actor, who recently met with DC Entertainment about a number of possible roles, hesitated to
Deadpool 2's Lewis Tan expects to return for X-Force, has had

Escape Room Ending: What Happens, And What It Could Mean For The Future

Escape Room Ending: What Happens, And What It Could Mean For The Future

Warning: Spoilers for Escape Room are in play. If you haven't seen the film yet, and don't want anything spoiled, bookmark this page and come back later.

The race to be the next Saw or Insidious franchise seems to be a consistently running contest, as those series are the high water marks for high frequency / generous return filmmaking. After opening this weekend, Sony's puzzle-flavored thriller Escape Room looks to be the possible heir to the throne, with an estimated $17 million opening against a $9 million budget. Watching the film, it almost feels like they knew this would happen, as there's one hell of a sequel tag included at the end.

So in the spirit of watching the contestants of Escape Room solving the challenges laid out in front of them, it's time that we take a look at the film's ending, and piece together just what happened. More importantly, we can begin to map out just where the Escape Room franchise could be headed, as it looks like we'll see the world of Minos Escape Rooms and their victims again at some point. Last call for the spoiler adverse to wait for our latest This Rotten Week to publish, as we're about to enter the room, and aren't going to be leaving until we've solved it all.

How It EndedOf the six strangers that entered into Escape Room's big puzzle, only two got out alive: soft spoken protagonist Zoey, and scaredy cat / burnout Ben. Ben's survival comes from finishing all six rooms, while Zoey's outside-of-the-box approach to escaping the fifth room, themed after a hospital unit, puts her into an interesting position in the overall game. We see Ben leave the final puzzle, a library that requires a combination to escape its crushing walls, despite thinking he'd died in this room in the film's prologue.

Once out, Ben meets the Gamemaster behind the Minos escape room. Simply named "The Gamemaster," he congratulates Ben on winning the $10,000, and eventually fills his supposedly final contestant in on the truth of Escape Room's story. As it turns out, this escape room is one of many that Minos has been running, all to cater to their clientele of rich folks that want to see what it takes for people to survive. Previous games included savants and college athletes, but their ever-discerning tastes lead to an interesting group to be selected for this round: sole survivors.

Surprise surprise, each of the six players in Escape Room are the only people to walk away from disasters, whether they be of their own doing, or just an unlucky twist of fate. But, naturally, The Gamemaster has to kill Ben, as there can be no survivors of the escape room. It's just how it's supposed to shake out. Lucky for Ben, Zoey's insistence to find her own solution pays off. She shoots The Gamemaster, allowing Ben to free himself, take the gun that Zoey dropped, and finish their tormentor off for good.

Of course, trying to convince the authorities that such an event had happened proves impossible, as the "waiting room" the players started out in turns out to be a broken down room, with one message scrawled on the walls: "No Way Out," the solution to the anagram plaguing the entire escape room, "Wootan Yu." Months later, Zoey and Ben meet up again, reuniting after their fateful meeting for the first time. Ever the genius, Zoey has been piecing together the cover up for all of their dearly departed partners from the escape room, and has claimed to have decoded Minos Escape Room's logo to reveal another location belonging to the company.

With two plane tickets, and the pitch of a lifetime, Zoey convinces Ben to join her in taking the fight to Minos. But in one final turn, we realize that not only is there a new Gamemaster installed at Minos HQ, they're expecting Zoey and Ben's arrival -- undoubtedly to push the rematch of the century to their paying customers. And as for that flight, well it's going to be another escape room, as we see an airplane-based game tested in the Minos labs. The film ends with the image of a plane rapidly descending, with one engine on fire, and then a quick cut to black.

Who Are The Forces Behind The Escape RoomFrom the beginning of Escape Room, Minos Escape Rooms is set up as a company that just offers thrills of a lifetime. Every escape room promises that, so it doesn't seem all that different in the beginning. As the game wears on, though, we see that the folks at Minos aren't just talking the talk, as they are indeed walking said walk that accompanies it.

The company's strategy is simple: drop six folks into six rooms of deadly puzzles, let human nature take its course, and collect the money for access to the show, as well as any betting activity they may be running. If the previous games are anything like the one shown in Escape Room, the formula for any challenge goes as such: there's six people, each with a room designed to their own strengths and weaknesses.

In the case of the sole survivors round we saw in Escape Room, each of the survivors had a puzzle designed to trigger the memories of their moments of survival. Ideally, these players would turn on each other, sacrificing each other one after the other, until the last person standing "wins" a death at the hands of The Gamemaster.

Minos's resources are apparently limitless, especially if they can design challenges such as these with such production value. They're also an extremely private, downright shadowy organization with the ability to push and pull people into their games at will. This is particularly interesting at the end, when it appears that Zoey and Ben will be drawn into their rematch through the means of Minos designing that plane themed escape room. It's also in that moment that we see where the Escape Room franchise could be heading, should the higher ups at Sony decide to play another game.

What It Means For The FranchiseThe fact that Minos is this powerful, with unlimited resources and similarly boundless imagination, means that Escape Room could indeed be the next Saw. The series has already proven that a PG-13 rating isn't an obstacle, as the film is tense and exciting without all of the grisly gore that Saw provided on a yearly basis. So setting the threshold for the potential audience at such a level means it could be extremely lucrative.

More importantly, there's a pretty vast number of rooms that can be designed, and just as many characters that can be thrown into the mix alongside Zoey and Ben. Our two returning contestants will obviously be the hook to the Escape Room franchise, alongside the sinister Minos Escape Rooms company, but there will need to be at least four new players, with rooms to match the particular theme of whatever the next round will be focused on.

Last, but not least, Sony has something they haven't had since Underworld and Resident Evil shuttered their doors: a strong female protagonist with a series of unending sequels to conquer the world throughout. The days of Seline and Alice may be over, but in young Zoey's quest to become more fearless and to cancel Minos Escape Rooms for good, the studio has a potential to continue mining something they've always had a thing for marketing.

At this point, it seems like it's only a numbers game that defines whether Escape Room will return for another round of mayhem, or if it'll be thrown onto the scrap heap of so many other pretenders to the yearly franchise throne. But should there be a demand, the series is definitely ready to take on the challenge of topping itself, and in the same style as the Saw movies, making its best content in its potential sequels.

Escape Room is in theaters now.

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Escape Room Ending: What Happens, And What It Could Mean For

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How Shazam Is Using Mark Strongs Doctor Sivana

How Shazam Is Using Mark Strongs Doctor Sivana

Many of the great superheroes have an arch-nemesis, and while some may argue that Black Adam fills that role for Shazam, the fact of the matter is that Doctor Thaddeus Sivana is an equally worthy candidate, if not more so given that he debuted in Whiz Comics #2, the same comic book that introduced the hero previously known as Captain Marvel. So when it was revealed that Black Adam was no longer appearing in the Shazam! movie, many fans suspected that Doctor Sivana would fill in as the main antagonist, and sure enough, it was confirmed in January that Mark Strong was playing the character. The Shazam! trailer gave us a brief glimpse of Strong's Sivana, showing us that he physically looks more formidable than traditionally depicted in the comics. Shazam! is also making some adjustments to Sivana's backstory as well, as this version of the villain met the mysterious Wizard that gives Billy Batson his powers.

Just like in the comics, Billy Batson will be selected by the Wizard in Shazam! to inherit his powers and become his new champion. But it turns out that Mark Strong's Sivana also encountered the Wizard (also named Shazam) as a kid, but he was rejected from receiving those amazing abilities. In the years since, Sivana has been trying to gain powers like the one Billy now has so he can finally live up to the expectations of his "domineering father." Since Sivana was able to block one of Shazam's mighty punches in the trailer, clearly he's somehow accomplished this goal. Shazam! director David F. Sandberg also told EW the following about Shazam!'s Sivana:

Mark Strong loves being a bad guy. And it's not just him, really, it's ... something else ... that lent him his powers ... he can do some things that Shazam can't. The danger in some films is the bad guy has the same powers as the good guy. [Sivana] has an extra thing, extra dynamic, that takes care of that...

Although Shazam! is pulling from various eras of the character's nearly eight-decade history, the overall story looks to be very much inspired by the Shazam New 52 origin story, and Sivana is no exception. As you can see above, one of Sivana's eyes is whited out, which calls back to when the New 52 Sivana gained the ability to see magic. However, in the comics that came as a result of trying to open Black Adam's tomb, and Black Adam will not appear in Shazam!. So where could Mark Strong's Sivana have obtained his powers? My guess is from the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man, demons that are the physical embodiments of Christianity's seven deadly sins (Pride, Envy, Greed, Anger, Sloth, Gluttony and Lust). They've been part of the Shazam mythology for decades and, like Sivana and Black Adam, were involved in the New 52 origin story. Perhaps in Shazam!, the Enemies are trapped and have given Sivana some powers in exchange for working to free them. Sivana thinks once he's done that, he'll become godlike, but in the end, the Enemies betray him and instead just try to wreak havoc and corrupt as many humans as possible around the world.

We'll learn what Doctor Sivana's whole deal is when Shazam! works its magic in theaters on April 5, 2019, so stay tuned to CinemaBlend for more updates. Don't forget to also look through our DC movies guide to learn what else is in development for the DC Extended Universe.

Filming is well under way for David F. Sandberg's Shazam! movie. Just yesterday, we got to see a video of Zachary Levi's Shazam appear to rescue a number of civilians from a bus. Today, we get to see Mark Strong's Doctor Sivana in action. You can see him menacingly walk toward Levi's Shazam
Shazam's Mark Strong explains why Dr. Sivana hates Billy

Now it's the villains turn, as a new video from the set of the film shows Mark Strong as Doctor Sivana coming face to face with the titular hero. Check it out in the video above. Check it out in
Why Shazam! Reshot Mark Strong's Intro As Sivana, And How It

Mark Strong is set to return as Dr. Sivana in Shazam! 2, We Got This Covered has learned from a source, with the villain working alongside a new character.
New 'Shazam!' Set Video Reveals Mark Strong's Doctor Sivana

How Shazam Is Using Mark Strong's Doctor Sivana

The fun superhero film reshot the intro scene for its villain, Dr. Sivana (Mark Strong), because the room he was in was a bit too sterile. In Shazam! , Dr. Sivana is a man obsessed with breaking into the Rock of Eternity and freeing the Seven Deadly Sins, a group of demons who symbolize the worst traits in humanity.
Shazam! Set Video Shows Off Mark Strong's Doctor Sivana

We have more info on how Shazam! will be using Doctor Sivana, one of the hero's greatest enemies from the comics. Subscribe To How Shazam Is Using Mark Strong's Doctor Sivana Updates close
How Shazam Is Using Mark Strong's Doctor Sivana - 247

How Shazam Is Using Mark Strong's Doctor Sivana Movies July 25, 2018 No Comments Although Shazam! is pulling from various eras of the character's nearly eight-decade history, the overall story looks to be very much inspired by the Shazam New 52 origin story, and Sivana is no exception.
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Mark Strong is in talks to play DC Comics villain Doctor Sivana in New Line's "Shazam," TheWrap has exclusively learned. Strong is no stranger to DC as the actor has previously play villain
Mark Strong Will Return As Dr. Sivana For Shazam! 2

Instead, he's clashing with another of his long-time enemies, Doctor Thaddeus Sivana (as played by Mark Strong). Sivana may be a big part of the Shazam comics, but don't fret if you're unfamiliar
Mark Strong: 'I'm Playing an Evil Bastard Called Doctor

Mark Strong, who plays evil villain Sivana in Shazam!, has explained why his character hates hero Billy Batson. Shazam! and its April release date are fast approaching us. We know that Zachary
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On Sunday, Mark Strong confirmed TheWrap's reporting the he is playing the villain in "Shazam," telling Contactmusic that "I'm playing an evil bastard called Doctor Sivana, they are

5 Ways Tom Holland's Spider-Man Is Different From His Predecessors

5 Ways Tom Holland's Spider-Man Is Different From His Predecessors

Ever since his fun, memorable introduction and the character's third (at least) iteration on the big screen in 2016's Captain America: Civil War, Tom Holland's enjoyable and heart-tugging performance as Spider-Man has renewed public interest in the amazing character and provided audiences with a variation of the character that's winningly unique while also staying true to several of the bedrocks of the character's foundation. By that, what we mean is, this Spider-Man is still the same old Spider-Man, but he's also noticeably different in several ways too.

Through this new version of the character, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has allowed itself the opportunity to change some key details about Spider-Man and provide audiences with a take on the character that's different enough to keep the constantly-seen character feel fresh and vibrant. Without further ado, let's break down the ways that Tom Holland's Spider-Man is different from the previous Spider-Man performances we've seen before him. Of course, we should expect to have a few more examples when Spider-Man: Far From Home swings its way into theaters in just a few months.

Spoilers for a lot of Spider-Man and Marvel movies follow!

He's Younger, And More Boyish/Jubilant, Than Other Spider-MenWhile the character of Spider-Man has almost always been in high school or at least in his early-to-mid twenties, with his origin story happening around the time he turns 15, the movies have been flexible to say the least when it comes to Spider-Man's age. In Sam Raimi's flicks, the character is believed to be around 17-18 years old, to accommodate for actor Tobey Maguire's 26 years of age when he made that original movie.

Additionally, while it's never clear exactly how old Peter Parker is in The Amazing Spider-Man movies, he's believed to be around the same age, and the age disparity is even starker. Actor Andrew Garfield was 28 when he played the titular web slinger. These actors would be stretching it playing college students let alone high schoolers. Yet, it wasn't until Tom Holland that we got an actor closer to his teens signed on to play the youthful hero.

While Tom Holland is currently in his early twenties, the actor signed on to the role when he was 19, making it at least a little more believable that he would be 15-18 years in the movies. It also helps that Holland has an earnestly boyish face and captures the youthful enthusiasm vital for this version of the part. The actor gives the role a fun jubilance that was only captured temporarily in the other takes in the past, which makes his supporting appearances in the Avengers movies and Captain America: Civil War all the more memorable, while giving his own movies a goofiness and lightheartedness that separates them from the slightly more serious-minded Marvel movies that came out away from Thor: Ragnarok at the time.

The Stories Are Set In Cooler Locations Than Other Spider-Man MoviesAt his heart, Tom Holland's Peter Parker is still New York City's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. But in the character's newfangled MCU take, Spidey doesn't always find himself staying squarely in the Big Apple. When we're introduced to this version of the character in Civil War, it doesn't take long before Tony Stark ships him off to Berlin to meet up with the other Avengers in the midst of internal battle. And in Spider-Man: Homecoming, his daring super-skills are put to great use when a field trip to Washington D.C. goes awry. Hell, in Avengers: Infinity War, Spider-Man even found himself in space.

That tradition will continue with this summer's sequel, Spider-Man: Far From Home, which will find the character leaving New York City again, as the title doth suggest, in order to go to Europe for a summer vacation with his friend. Sure enough, there will be dangers that arrive in this destination. Different place, same troubles, right? No matter where Spider-Man may be, there are dangerous foes lurking around. And in this variation of the popular web-slinger, Spider-Man gets around.

Tom Holland Is More VulnerableThan Previous Spider-MenAs we all know, with great power comes great responsibility. Peter Parker was taught this lesson by his late mentor figure, Uncle Ben, and it has been his guiding principle throughout every iteration of the character to date. At least, until Tom Holland's version. Truth be told, it's unclear if Uncle Ben is even in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Unless I'm forgetting something, he hasn't been mentioned or brought up, not even in passing, in any MCU film to date, and it's possible that he doesn't play a part in this variation of the character. With that, as seen in Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spider-Man can often be a little more silly and carefree with his superpowers, tending to be a pretty silly person the way most teenagers can often be goofy individuals. With that said, though, Tony Stark has proven himself to be the primary mentor/father figure for Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

While it's perhaps a bit of a leap to assume that he is the intended Uncle Ben of this version, it's probably not a coincidence that he passed away so shortly after giving Spider-Man his sense of responsibility and moral obligations (in addition to a bunch of cool new Spider-Men suits). With that in mind, Spider-Man's youth and lack of responsibility in his first film provided a more vulnerable version on the character than we've seen to date. To be clear, that's not to say that he doesn't have his own sense of obligations and desire to do good. It just comes off a bit differently than the rest.

He's A Little Jokier Than Other Spider-Men (Or More Jokey Than Peter Parker)Spider-Man is always quick to throw a joke. Part of the reason why he gets under the skin of his various nemesis is because he's making fun of them while he's taking them down. It's part of Spider-Man's charm, and one thing that has been seen more readily in the new versions of Spider-Man is the character's open willingness to throw jokes around while he's fighting bad guys. Sure enough, Tom Holland's Spider-Man is always quick with a joke.

But more than that, Spider-Man's sense of humor in Spider-Man: Homecoming and his various appearances in The Avengers movies can notably be different than his persona as Peter Parker. While he isn't the best at keeping his identity a secret, his version of Spider-Man is a little cockier and bolder, and therefore more joke-friendly, when he's wearing the Spider-Man suit opposed to his normal, everyday demeanor, which tends to be a lot more shy and reserved.

Compare that to Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man, where his sense of humor isn't that much of a departure from the one he gave Peter Parker, and you see how Tom Holland's Peter Parker is a little better at maneuvering between his public persona and the one he adopts with the mask.

He's A Little More Relaxed About His Secret Identity (Kinda, Sorta)If there's one thing that people often associate with superheroes, it's their inherent need to keep their secret identity, you know, secretive. With the sole exception of Tony Stark, who wasn't afraid to boast that he was Iron Man at the end of his first movie, superheroes like Batman and Superman have been notorious about keeping their real identity unknown by the public-at-large. Oftentimes, particularly with Batman and Spider-Man, the identity of anyone being Spider-Man makes them a bigger symbol of hope and justice. Literally anyone could be Spider-Man; the mystery keeps the spirit alive.

With this new version of Spider-Man, however, much like Tom Holland himself, Peter Parker has a hard time keeping secrets particularly about his secret identity from key people in everyday life. For instance, it didn't take long for Tony Stark to figure out who Spider-Man is in Captain America: Civil War. Similarly, in Spider-Man: Homecoming, Peter Parker was a little too clumsy about keeping his super persona a secret, ultimately spilling the beans unintentionally to his best friend, Ned, and his primary guardian and caregiver, Aunt May.

In Avengers: Infinity War, Peter Parker revealed his identity to Doctor Strange only moments after he met the guy. There is a theory perhaps we should call it a plain ole' rumor that Spider-Man: Far From Home will end with Peter Parker revealing his identity to the world, much like his late mentor Tony Stark did at the end of Iron Man. It wouldn't be too far-fetched to believe, to be perfectly blunt, based on what we already know about Tom Holland's Spider-Man.

These are only a few examples we can give explaining how Tom Holland separates his version of Spider-Man/Peter Parker from the other actors and performances before him. But we're sure there are other examples of how this Spider-Man is different from the rest, and we'd love to hear them. Be sure to let us know in the comment section below what makes Holland's version of Spider-Man different to you. We're sure you have a few examples of your own you can give and we look forward to hearing them from you.

Meanwhile, for more updates on Spider-Man and other MCU-related news bits, you can always be sure to check back with us right here at CinemaBlend for the latest news, developments and a whole lot more.

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X-Men Producer Really Wanted An All-Female Team Movie

Jimmy Fallon Made Mark Ruffalo Take An Avengers: Endgame Lie

As you might expect for an actor of her caliber, she has a careful plan for not flipping out ahead of Sunday's ceremony. In her own words: It's a pretty simple plan, but that doesn't mean it isn't effective, and it's not like Glenn Close hasn't been in this situation before.
Glenn Close Reveals Plan For Not Flipping Out Ahead Of The

John Cena wants to be in The Rock's "Fast and Furious" movie, and we need him to join the family, like, yesterday this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.
John Cena wants to join Dwayne Johnson in Fast and Furious

Slender Man Showed Up To A Movie Theater, And People Freaked Out

Chris Pratt's Peter Quill/Star-Lord has been blamed for the outcome of Avengers: Infinity War, which has also garnered him some defenders. Count me in the blame column.
Avengers: Infinity War -

Producer James Wan says Annabelle 3, the next addition to Warner Bros.' The Conjuring universe, will feel more like a Conjuring film. Annabelle, the demon-possessed doll, received its first standalone film in 2014, and while it wasn't well received, the series managed to bounce back with 2017's Annabelle: Creation.
'Annabelle 3' Feels More Like a 'Conjuring' Film Than the

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