Quentin Tarantino's Next Film Has An Official Title And Synopsis, Locks In Two Awesome Stars

Quentin Tarantino's Next Film Has An Official Title And Synopsis, Locks In Two Awesome Stars

We've been hearing stories swirl around regarding Quentin Tarantino's next film for a while now, but after many months of development we're finally hearing some official news. Sony Pictures is confirming that the 1969-set film will be called Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, and both Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio are set to reunite with the writer/director for the project.

The Hollywood Reporter has the scoop on the details, including not only the title and casting, but also the story that will be playing out. Per a description straight from Quentin Tarantino, the two protagonists in the story will be Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt) - a washed-up TV actor and his longtime stunt double. Their careers are struggling in "a Hollywood they don't recognize anymore," but it just so happens that they have a connection to the world of the rich and famous. As it happens, Rick's next-door neighbor is actress Sharon Tate. Both DiCaprio and Pitt have been rumored for the project for weeks - and apparently negotiations were a bit hectic - but now they are both locked in.

Quentin Tarantino makes a regular habit of reuniting with actors with whom he's worked on past projects, and while Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt have each only worked with him one time before as a director, that just makes this second adventure that much more special. DiCaprio worked with Tarantino more recently, playing horrific antagonist Calvin Candie in 2012's Django Unchained, but fans will note that Pitt has technically had more experience performing Tarantino's work. He was not only the lead in the director's phenomenal 2009 film Inglourious Basterds, but he also played the couch-dwelling stoner Floyd in True Romance (a film that Tarantino wrote, but Tony Scott directed). It should go without saying that we're excited to see the three men working together.

It's also worth noting that while Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt have both been around Hollywood for the same amount of time, this will be their first time starring in a movie together. Weirdly enough, back in 2015 they both appeared in a Martin Scorsese-directed short film titled The Audition, though they don't actually share any screentime. Given the fact that they are two of the best leading actors currently working in the industry, it should be fascinating to see how they play off each other.

The trade report doesn't mention exactly when Once Upon A Time In Hollywood is going to go into production, but the expectation is that it will go down in the next few months. This is because Sony Pictures has revealed that the movie will be hitting theaters domestically next summer, on August 9, 2019. Because this is a Quentin Tarantino movie, we expect many more awesome casting announcements to come in the near future, so stay tuned here on CinemaBlend for all of the latest updates.

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The Kingsman Prequel Wants Great Actors Over Major Stars, And Just Cast A Few

The Kingsman Prequel Wants Great Actors Over Major Stars, And Just Cast A Few

Fans were surprised to learn that Taron Egerton would not be returning as Eggsy for the third Kingsman movie, but there's a good reason for that. The next Kingsman movie is actually a prequel rumored to be about the origin of the Kingsman spy service. The movie will feature an entirely new cast of characters. And rather than casting major name-brand stars, director Matthew Vaughn is focusing more on great actors, reportedly adding Daniel Brhl, Rhys Ifans, and Charles Dance.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle was a who's who of major recognizable talent. Not only did the film see the return of Colin Firth, but it also starred Julianne Moore, Jeff Bridges, Halle Berry, Channing Tatum, Pedro Pascal, and Elton freakin' John. The sequel was stuffed to the gills with movie stars, but the next Kingsman movie is aiming to fill out its cast with great actors who don't necessarily have to be well known.

According to Collider, the Kingsman prequel (called Kingsman: The Great Game, not Kingsman 3) has cast Daniel Brhl and Charles Dance in undisclosed roles. Brhl is a character actor known for his roles in films such as Rush, Inglorious Basterds, The Fifth Estate, and A Most Wanted Man. He is perhaps most well known for his role as the villainous Zemo in Captain America: Civil War. Brhl was most recently seen in the TNT series The Alienist alongside Luke Evans and Dakota Fanning.

Charles Dance should be more than recognizable to Game of Thrones fans. Dance played bad dad Tywin Lannister on the acclaimed HBO series. He can currently be seen on the AMC series The Little Drummer Girl and he will be appearing in next year's highly anticipated Godzilla: King of the Monsters.

Also currently in talks to join the Kingsman prequel is Rhys Ifan. No stranger to blockbuster filmmaking, Ifans has appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man, Alice Through the Looking Glass, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1. He is maybe best known for his role on Notting Hill alongside Julia Roberts.

And that's not all! The prequel has reportedly cast Harris Dickinson (FX's Trust) alongside Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort from Harry Potter). The film is also eyeing Matthew Goode (Watchmen, The Imitation Game) for an undisclosed role. Kingsman: The Great Game will follow Dickinson's character, Conrad, a cocky yet charming young hero who's eager to serve his country and fight in World War I. The film is aiming to begin filming in January.

While a name-brand star can also be a great actor, I think I can see why Matthew Vaughn would want to move away from movie stars. When an actor like Channing Tatum is heavily marketed to be in the film but is then written out after maybe 15 minutes or less of screen time, it tends to leave people feeling disappointed.

There's no official release date for the Kingsman prequel, although this is a big hint. Stick with CinemaBlend and we'll be sure to keep you covered with all the latest news and updates.

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The next Kingsman movie is actually a prequel rumored to be about the origin of the Kingsman spy service. The movie will feature an entirely new cast of characters. And rather than casting major name-brand stars, director Matthew Vaughn is focusing more on great actors, reportedly adding Daniel Brühl, Rhys Ifans, and Charles Dance.
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The Kingsman Prequel Wants Great Actors Over Major Stars, And Just Cast A Few Dec 04, 2018 Admin Movies 0 13 hours ago Fans were surprised to learn that Taron Egerton would not be returning as Eggsy for the third Kingsman movie, but there's a good reason for that.
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The Kingsman Prequel Wants Great Actors Over Major Stars, And

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The sequel was stuffed to the gills with movie stars, but the next Kingsman movie is aiming to fill out its cast with great actors who don't necessarily have to be well known. According to Collider , the Kingsman prequel (called Kingsman: The Great Game , not Kingsman 3 ) has cast Daniel Brühl and Charles Dance in undisclosed roles.
The Kingsman Prequel Wants Great Actors Over Major Stars, And
The sequel was stuffed to the gills with movie stars, but the next Kingsman movie is aiming to fill out its cast with great actors who don't necessarily have to be well known. According to Collider, the Kingsman prequel (called Kingsman: The Great Game , not Kingsman 3 ) has cast Daniel Brühl and Charles Dance in undisclosed roles.
The Kingsman Prequel Wants Great Actors Over Major Stars, And
The next Kingsman movie is actually a prequel rumored to be about the origin of the Kingsman spy service. The movie will feature an entirely new cast of characters. And rather than casting major name-brand stars, director Matthew Vaughn is focusing more on great actors, reportedly adding Daniel Brühl, Rhys Ifans, and Charles Dance.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson and More Join Kingsman Prequel - Movie

Read Also The Kingsman Prequel Wants Great Actors Over Major Stars, And Just Cast A Few Whether or not it translates onto the screen remains to be seen. There is sensitivity on the subject in family-orientated movies, although the vocal US backlash against a tiny gay glimpse in Beauty and the Beast recently did nothing to harm its box office.
Associated Press AP - Page 798 - CelebeRazzi

The Kingsman Prequel Wants Great Actors Over Major Stars, And Just Cast A Few Movies December 2, 2018 No Comments Fans were surprised to learn that Taron Egerton would not be returning as Eggsy for the third Kingsman movie, but there's a good reason for that.
The Kingsman Prequel Wants Great Actors Over Major Stars, And

The Kingsman prequel is taking a different approach to casting than it did for The Golden Circle. Subscribe To The Kingsman Prequel Wants Great Actors Over Major Stars, And Just Cast A Few Updates
The Kingsman Prequel Wants Great Actors Over Major Stars, And

Universal Orlando's Wizarding World Of Harry Potter Is Adding A Hagrid Themed Roller Coaster

Universal Orlando's Wizarding World Of Harry Potter Is Adding A Hagrid Themed Roller Coaster

A couple of years ago Universal Orlando closed down the Dragon Challenge roller coaster in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at the Islands of Adventure theme park to make room for a new attraction. While this new ride was clearly going to be Harry Potter themed, we did not know what was officially planned for the space until now. This morning, Universal Orlando Resort officially revealed the name of the new coaster, Hagrids Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure, as well as an opening date June 13 of this year.

According to the information provided, the new ride will have guests flying through the air on Hagrid's famous motorbike as the coaster "plunges into the path of some of the wizarding worlds rarest magical creatures."

Universal is calling the new attraction its most highly themed coaster yet. No details have been provided yet about exactly what that means, but more information is promised to be revealed next month.

While this announcement makes the attraction official, the rumor that a Hagrid themed coaster, including ride vehicles that resembled a motorcycle and sidecar, had been previously rumored and now those rumors are confirmed to be true. It's an interesting design for a ride vehicle as it implies that one rider will sit on a motorcycle in some way while the other would occupy the sidecar. This has the added benefit of making it worth riding the coaster more than once as the experience might be slightly different depending on which car you sit in. This is assuming the vehicles are meant for two people. It could be the bike is just part of the theming and all riders will sit in the sidecars.

As ride vehicles go, Hagrid's motorbike is a pretty good model for a roller coaster. In the Harry Potter books and films Hagrid's bike flies through the air and it often does so in a high speed and chaotic fashion. Check out some highlights in the video below.

While a Hagrid themed roller coaster in the Hogsmeade portion of Universal's Islands of Adventure seems like a great choice for a theme, it can't be overlooked that the focus of the attraction is also magical creatures. With Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them being the current Wizarding World franchise being made into films, this ride has the potential ability of helping to promote it by including creatures that we know from those films, as well as the ones that we see Hagrid taking care of throughout the Harry Potter movies.

With Hagrids Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure opening in June its practically almost here already. Hopefully we'll get a real look at what the attraction has in store for us before it actually opens. We'll have to wait until the promised additional details coming in March.

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